Everlasting- Two Dozen Red Roses Bouquet
Our Everlasting Bouquet is s complication of 24 long long stem red roses gathered with our variety of fresh eucalyptus and curly willow in our largest fountain vase. This bouquet is both elegant and everlasting, Happy Valentines Day!
Always - Classic One Dozen Red Rose Bouquet
Eternally iconic and elegant, red roses still stand out as the ultimate symbol of unconditional love, an everlasting classic! 12 freshRed roses with fresh silver dollar and seeded eucalyptus in our glass vase.
Wind Beneath My Wings
Show your love that they are the Wind Beneath your Wings with this light and whimsical bouquet full of mono-cromatic white florals and gold accented greens, lush roses, full white stock, seeded eucalyptus, mini spray roses, created in our white ceramic...
State of the Heart
Our State of the Heart bouquet is beautifully arranged with all roses, including white cream roses, classic red roses, mini pink and blush cream spray roses gathered in our cubed glass vase, creating the most magnificent display for someone special.
The Romantic
My Valentine Box is the perfect gift for someone special, created with the classic Valentine colors of red, pink and white, this box if full of roses, daisey mums, alstromeria, berries and mini pink carnations, making an abundant floral box!
Birch and Berries Box
Our Birch and Berries Box is full of red roses, candy cane carnations, pinecones, red lilies, red and white gerbera daiseys and red berries! Perfect as a centerpiece or holiday gift!
Very Merry Centerpiece
Our Very Merry Centerpiece is another customer favorite, full of classic colors and fresh Christmas greens and pinecones complimented with a Nutcracker Ribbon! Perfect for the home or office!
Thankful Thanksgiving Centerpiece
Thankful Thanksgiving Centerpiece is a customer favorite full of sunflowers, orange roses, hypericum berries accented with seeded and silver dollar eucalyptus. Perfect for the table or home!
Thanksgiving Harvest Centerpiece
Our Thanksgiving Harvest Centerpiece is full of abundance with additional succulents for garden-esque feel! Comes with 2 Amber Orange Candles! Happy Thanksgiving!
Vibrant Birthday Bouquet with Balloon
Our Vibrant Birthday Day Bouquet comes with Happy Birthday Balloon to bring cheer and joy to its recipient! Made with the most vibrant and colorful florals for their special day! Perfect Bundle!
On Sale!
Classic Pink Rose Boutonniere
Classic Pink Rose Boutonniere at Simi Flowers and Gifts! Get ready for one of the most important times in your life! FREE LOCAL DELIVERY TO MOORPARK, SIMI VALLEY AND SURROUNDING AREAS! Pink Rose complimented with Seeded Eucalyptus, Perfect for...
On Sale!
Pink Rose Corsage
Pink Rose Corsage at Simi Flowers and Gifts! Our pink rose wrist corsage is complimented with light greenery and iridescent ribbon, lovely color and customer favorite! Perfect for Prom!
Roses - simplicity, perfection, beauty. Simi Florist & Gifts in Simi Valley, CA, has the freshest selection of roses in colors to express your sentiment - red roses - love and romance; lavender - unique love; white - innocence and new love; and yellow - friendship. Roses are the perfect way to make someone smile any day of the week! Simi Flowers & Gifts offers flower delivery locally to Simi Valley, CA and nearby areas or nationwide.